Saturday, January 21, 2012

Best Friend.

Was bothered by this topic these few days.
It happened before,
And it makes me feel more certain these few days.

That it will never gonna change.
It will stay the same way.

I used to have this relationship with Sam,
Except couple,
We are best friends.
I can just share my everything to him,
And he shares his too.
We talk like we have been knowing each other for very long time.

I can't find it in Kevin.
No, I can't.
He has so many friends,
And yes, he has his best friend too.
The relationship that I will never get to share with him.

When he tells me about his best friend,
Honestly, I am jealous.
But it is something that I cannot , and I couldn't care much on.
It is a bond that we can't build.

Sad case.

Owh well...
It is fine with me.
I have my own best friend,
She is, and she will always be.
I love you sister.

I conclude that,
We will never be like what I expect,
But I am fine.
Not everyone's the same, right?

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